November 09, 2010

No, Rly...

I was sitting in my pajamas throwing out 54 pages and never going back to it again. I had this on the iPod and cutting, slashing, moving around all the useless bs in my story, starting over again, throwing away any hint of sentimentality and loving every minute of it when all of a sudden.....

And if I keep having these lightning strikes changing everything again and again I'm never going to actually finish this thing.

In the meantime I am happily (gag, spit) playing a minor part in somebody else's play and pretty much I think by next Thursday or something I won't care about other people's shit at all.

I want every page of the work to exhaust the reader. Non stop. Cut the frills. That's real hard. But it's getting there.


sybil law said...

Well the process of getting there is exhausting me, so it's working! Ha! :P

sligo said...

just tell the story.

RW said...

Yes I agree, just tell the story. What I'm seeing is how much extra junk gets in the way of that. the effort to project a style, the idea it has to dazzle, the artifice and phoniness that develops to get me past a weak spot. How cliche can sneak in when you're not looking. How it's so easy to forget the story when you're trying to "impress" an idea on someone. That's where the growth is and it takes a pretty sharp knife and a willingness to be honest with myself.

One thing remains (and you can check this for yourself, sligo, in the small part you have) I still want it to be able to be performed aloud just as well as read quietly.

I think a lot of the mechanics of that - that bridge - lend them selves to sounding like a piece of crap when all is said and done.

We're gettin thar!

Verdant Earl said...

That's some good music to get some cuttin' and slashin' done.

Anonymous said...

That girl in your picture is like 15. She was on some show called " Too Fat for 15". I actually watched a few episodes, because once I saw these enormous kids, I couldn't look away! I can only imagine how humiliated these poor kids felt when their parents decided to monopolize on their children. As if their lives werent tortured enough, now they have to get weighed on tv....Sick world, Sick world.