August 18, 2010

Hold On Thar

Last night MrsRW sat me down to ask if I was okay. Another reason she's my favorite person on Earth. I guess the entries here have been sounding a little down. And from some of the comments that idea seems to have traction.

Nobody is more appreciative than I am for that kind of support - believe me. And it couldn't possibly make me more glad to see it and have it showered on me - but really, I'm okay!

Someone privately wondered about the header quote and the reference to drinking in the side blurb. I've cleared that up I hope - the quote above is from the thing I'm writing. It's First Person. That's not the first time someone has mistaken that kind of work for personal revelation and it's my own fault for assuming otherwise. It's from the book. I guess I should take it as a compliment, because Hemingway said if people mistake First Person fiction for fact you done it right. But seeing as how this medium is blogs, it's my own dumb fault for not making that clear. As for the side blurb, if you emphasize the "zombies" the whole meaning is changed. See?

Am I down and depressed? No, actually I'm not, but I do have a tendency to use negative energy - real or imagined - as a motivator for myself. But it doesn't wreck me and won't ruin me and mostly, privately, I couldn't care less about that kind of thing. Unless I use it to spur myself on.

I figured that the folks who read me recognize me for exactly what I am - an aging, struggling writer who has not nor ever shall give up on the goal. So everything that comes up here is in that context. Believe me when I tell you; the real deep stuff will never get revealed here. That isn't my style. So the chances are pretty good what is said here is from a different level. I mean, just so you know.

If things got rough I'd resort to homicide before suicide. I mean, just sayin.

It meant a lot to have her bring it up. I think it's kind of sweet. It was equally nice to see all the words that came posted to it. Thanks. Honest. But really, I'm fine. And thanks again though!

Whatever the case, what's happening certainly isn't as bad as it may have sounded. And my wife remains my bestest friend ever. So I'm absolutely fine.

Thank you.


flask said...


i wasn't worried.

but it all did kind of hit a nerve with me on my current search for a publisher (contemporary church music for traditional choirs, thank you), and where the hell did my promising youth go, anyway?

Verdant Earl said...

I don't start worrying until the posts stop. I figured it was just getting your feelings on the page out there.

Dave2 said...

Is it wrong that I want "Homicide Before Suicide" on a T-shirt?

sligo said...

first to Dave2: great fuckin' idea. helluva a blog title also.

next, to RW: Mrs. RW is, truly, the bestest, you luckyass dog.

RW said...

I want distribution rights you dogs!

Avitable said...

I think that is an awesome shirt idea.

And Mrs. RW is one of my favorite people in the world. This is one of the reasons why.

sybil law said...

I would completely buy that shirt.
And, I wasn't worried about you. I get that negative energy thing.
Now hurry with that book! The line is AWESOME.

RW said...

This is like so typical of how we run here at version53. Start out thanking folks for their support and end up with a t-shirt supporting murder. this is like my life in a nutshell....

sligo said...

huh...there's a book in that...

RW said...

I think that was "Little Murders".