September 01, 2010

Of Course You Won't Mind

I'll be stepping aside for a while starting today (okay actually yesterday but I wasn't serious about it til now). Not sure how long it'll go but this is a note to say just that.

There is absolutely nothing big or Earth-shaking / terrible / serious / OMG going on, it's just a brief hiatus and I'll be back on the other side of it before you know it. Probably extends to Facebook as well, but none of this is permanent. I can't possibly stay away from you guys forever. You know your uncle wuvs the dickens out of ya.


I'd set up "guest-posters" but I honestly don't know what that's for and it's not like you'd get any extra traffic for your blog if you did so that's out of the question.

Ten points for what the guy in the cartoon has to do with anything going on here. If you figure it out let me know?

It could be a week or a month. Who knows. I did this once before and it paid off for me, so hold my hat, we're going in again. This is to say don't forget us, and if you don't see a comment on your work for a while I'm not hating you - k?

brb lunch.


Verdant Earl said...

You're taking time off to write and draw the perfect Ditko-esque Dr. Strange story, right? Eh...

See yas when I see yas.

sybil law said...

Well *I* mind, because I'm going to miss you, but I do understand, too.
Yeah - are you making a comic?!

Gino said...

and you just opened the place...

Kaye Waller said...

That picture tells me you need a rest from the web. Go write--we'll keep the light on for you.

Avitable said...

Why do you hate me?

Faiqa said...

Seriously... I was just starting to catch up. Unbelievable. Although, I do love it when you play hard to get.

Tug said...

Enjoy your time away.